Oct 09, 2021
CD-CPPS Retreat 2021

Team photo of the members of the research training group during the retreat
Also in this year 2021 the waves of the Corona pandemic challenged us in various ways. But according to the Latin expression, "hora fugit, facta manent" (eng.: the hour flees, the actions remain), we organized this year's retreat in such a way that it could take place in presence.
Fun fact: In order to not only maintain but also promote our health at this two-day retreat (07.10 and 08.10), a "Safety Minute" acted as a corresponding pitch right at the beginning - Walking, Our Best Medicine!
The explicit goal of this retreat was to further expand our interdisciplinary scientific bridges. The focus was therefore on the in-depth positioning and interlinking of individual research foci in joint use cases. Thus, among other things, the reference framework for a joint publication was established. Of course, the personal supervision meetings were not to be missed. These extended over both days, so that the individual progress was presented briefly and precisely in a plenary session. This retreat, too, was only made possible by the joint effort and corresponding commitment, for which we are very grateful.
Addendum (01.06.2022): Mentioned publication was accepted a few days ago at the AHFE.