Mar 04, 2022
Presentation by Felix Miesen at the GfA-Frühjahrskongress
The motto of this year's spring congress of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA) was "Technology and Education in Hybrid Work Environments". Our doctoral researcher Felix Miesen gave a presentation entitled "Kompetenzförderliche Interventionen in hoch-automatisierten Arbeitssystemen: Ein systematisches Review auf Basis von Erkenntnissen aus der Prozessindustrie, Luftfahrt und automatisiertem Fahren". In the following, you can find an English version of the Abstract:
In the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution, people of various work domains are confronted with increasing levels of automation and digitization, e.g., when working with cyber-physical production systems (CPPS). While automation has positive effects on productivity and safety, people face serious challenges during work: trust issues, the Ironies of Automation (Bainbridge, 1983), and the Out of the Loop-Unfamiliarity (Endsley & Kiris, 1995), which can result in negative effects such as loss of competencies. The latter is intensified by increasing levels of digitalization, which enable for flexible CPPS. As a consequence of higher automation and digitalization, building knowledge or refining mental models is hinderer due to lacking possibilities of working with the system. Therefore, human-centered approaches must be taken into account when designing CPPS, which ensures, among other things, the maintenance and development of competencies. Even after periods of non-use of competencies, operators must be enabled to act adequately, especially in situations where automation is insufficient and human intervention is required. To derive guidelines for a competency-promoting design of CPPS, a systematic literature review was conducted. It was investigated which interventions exist that aim at maintaining competencies and how effective these are. For literature review, publications between 2012 and March 2021 in the areas of process industries, civil aviation, and automated driving were considered. Using a search string, N = 4686 publications were identified in a first step, which were reduced to n = 80 relevant publications according to the PRISMA scheme (Page et al., 2021). In a further step, the interventions were classified into six content categories (assignment to more than one category possible), which are training (n = 32), display design (n = 38), use of sensory modalities (n = 13), speech-based information transfer (n = 6), adaptive automation (n = 3), and other approaches (n = 3). The findings of the review are discussed with respect to their implications for competency-enhancing design of CPPS.