Martin Gebert

Doctoral Researcher
NameMr Dipl.-Ing Martin Gebert
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Research Training Group 2323
Research Training Group 2323
Visiting address:
Institutsgebäude S7A
Raum / Room 205
Georg-Schumann-Str. 7a
01187 Dresden
Short Biography
From 2007 until 2010, Martin studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rostock. After a one-year internship as a development engineer in India, he continued his engineering studies at the TU Dresden, focusing on the application of Virtual Reality (VR) in the product development process. As part of his diploma thesis at the Daimler AG in Stuttgart, he investigated and developed means of an optimized interaction with VR environments using smart devices.
After completing his studies, he worked as a project engineer at the University of Bayreuth before returning to the TU Dresden. Since 2016, he has been involved in VR and AR applications in the product development process at the Chair of Engineering Design and CAD.
Since 2018, he is part of the Research Training Group for Conducive Design of Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In his research, he focusses on optimized processes for VR and AR visualisation.
Gebert, M., Dammann, M.-P., Saske, B., Steger, W., Stelzer, R. (2020). Reporting Strategy for VR Design Reviews. In Stephanidis et al. (Eds.). HCII 2020, LNCS 12428 (pp. 80-90).
Dammann, M.-P., Gebert, M., Stelzer, R. (2019): Nutzungsaspekte von Head-Mounted-Displays in industriellen Umgebungen. In Stelzer, R., Krzywinski, J. (Eds.). Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben in Produktentwicklung und Design 2019 Band 1 (pp. 141-157). ISBN 978-3-95908-171-9
Gebert, M., Steger, W., Stelzer, R. (2018): Erweiterter Szenegraph für die flexible Produktvisualisierung. In Brökel, K., Corves, B., Grote, K.-H., Lohrengel, A., Müller, N., Nagarajah, A., Rieg, F., Scharr, G., Stelzer, R. (Eds.). Tagungsband 16. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2018 (pp. 83-95). ISBN: 978-3-00-059609-4
Gebert, M., Steger, W., Stelzer, R. (2018). Fast and Flexible Visualization Using an Enhanced Scene Graph. In American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Ed.). ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (pp. V01BT02A025-V01BT02A025).
Gebert, M., Steger, W., Stelzer, R. (2017). Konfiguration und Auslegung kundenspezifischer Produkte in einer VR-Umgebung. In Neugebauer, R., Putz, M., Klimant, P. (Eds.). Tagungsband der VAR² - Realität erweitern, 4. Fachkonferenz zu VR/AR-Technologien in Anwendung und Forschung an der Professur Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik (pp. 89-100).
Gebert, M., Steger, W., Stelzer, R., Bertelmann, K. (2017). Meta-Model for VR-Based Design Reviews. In The Design Society (Ed.). Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17) Vol 4: Design Methods and Tools, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017 (pp. 337-346). ISBN: 978-1-904670-92-6
Steger, W., Gebert, M., Kim, T.-S., Stelzer, R. (2016). Improved User Experience in a VR Based Design Review. In American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Ed.). Proceedings of ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC2016 (pp. V01BT02A054-V01BT02A054).
Steger, W., Steindecker, E., Stelzer, R., Gebert, M., Kim, T.-S. (2015). Individuelle Funktionen für Teilnehmer an einem VR Design Review. In Tagungsband Wissenschafts- und Industrieforum Intelligente Technische Systeme 2015.