Yuxuan Guo

Doctoral Researcher
NameYuxuan Guo M.Sc.
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Research Training Group 2323
Research Training Group 2323
Visiting address:
Institutsgebäude S7A
Raum / Room 205
Georg-Schumann-Str. 7a
01187 Dresden
Eye movement patterns in complex tasks: characteristics of ambient and focal processing
Research Interest
- The two visual systems approach
- Eye movements and scene perception/perspective-taking
- Visual attention in task processing
Short biography
Since 09/2018 | Doctoral Researcher Research Training Group 2323 Technische Universität Dresden |
09/2016 - 11/2017 | Studies: Pschological Science, Research Methods (M.Sc.) University of Glasgow, UK |
09/2011 - 09/2015 | Studies Applied Psychology (B.Sc.) Fujian Medical University, China |
11/2014 - 04/2015 | Intern Mental Hospital - Xiamen Xian Yue Hospital, China |
Publications with peer review
Guo, Y., Pannasch, S. & Helmert, J. R. (2022). Eye Movements in Extended Tasks: Analyses of Ambient/Focal Attention with Coefficient K. In 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA’22), Seattle, WA, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3517031.3529630
Further publications
Guo, Y., Helmert, J. R. & Pannasch, S. (2021, March 20-23). Eye Movement Patterns in Complex Tasks: Characteristics of Ambient and Focal Processing [Conference presentation]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen, virtual conference.
Guo, Y., Barr, D. & Pannasch, S. (2019, August 18-23). The Influence of Culture: Perspective Taking and Scene Perception [Poster presentation]. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain.