Sebastian Lorenz

Doctoral Researcher
NameDipl.-Ing. Sebastian Lorenz
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Research Training Group 2323
Research Training Group 2323
Visiting address:
Institutsgebäude S7A
Raum / Room 205
Georg-Schumann-Str. 7a
01187 Dresden
How do conducive forms of interaction contribute to the mastery of CPPS requirements?
Research interests
- Conducive human-machine interaction
- Competencies in shared-control scenarios
- Highly-automated CPPS in agriculture
Since 01/2021 | Doctoral Researcher Research Training Group 2323 Technische Universität Dresden |
03/2015 - 12/2020 | Research Assistant Chair of Industrial Design Engineering Technische Universität Dresden |
09/2013 - 02/2015 | Project Engineer GWT-TUD GmbH |
10/2005 - 05/2013 | Studies Mechanical Engineering: Industrial Design Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) Technische Universität Dresden |
Publications with peer review
Kessler, F.*, Lorenz, S.*, Miesen, F.*, Miesner, J.*, Pelzer, F.*, Satkowski, M.*, Klose, A., & Urbas, L. (2022). Conducive design as an iterative process for engineering CPPS. To appear (accepted for publication) in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). *contributed equally. Preprint:
Lorenz, S., Helmert, J. R., Anders, R., Wölfel, C., & Krzywinski, J. (2020). UUX Evaluation of a Digitally Advanced Human–Machine Interface for Excavators. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(3), 57.
Further publications
Lorenz, S. (2022). Machine operation task analysis A deeper look into the shift of task profiles within operating agricultural cyber-physical production systems. In Proceedings of the 79th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering 2022.
Lorenz, S. (2020, November 3 - 4). Understanding adaptive human-machine interfaces in agricultural machinery [Conference presentation]. 78th Internationale Tagung Land.Technik – AgEng 2020, virtual conference.
Lorenz, S. (2020). Bedienbare Vernetzung – Die richtigen Mensch-Maschine Interfaces für eine nahtlose Digitalisierung der Arbeitsumgebungen [Conference presentation]. 10. Fachagung Baumaschinentechnik.
Schönitz, M. S., Günther, T., Hilgers, I. L., Lorenz, S., Dölz, J., Papen, M. C., & Siems, F. U. (2019). Potenziale digitaler Assistenzsysteme für die Kommunikation in interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprojekten. In Digitalisierung und Kommunikation (pp. 369-387). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.