Vorlesungsreihe SS2021
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameNazanin Hamedi M.Sc.
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Graduiertenkolleg 2323
Graduiertenkolleg 2323
Institutsgebäude S7A
Raum / Room 205
Georg-Schumann-Str. 7a
01187 Dresden
We're glad that you are interested in this semester's lecture series in cooperation with SFB Hybrid Societies at TU Chemnitz. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the lecture series will be fully virtual. If you want to join our exciting talks, feel free to contact Nazanin Hamedi (contact information on the right) for further information.
Please find attached an overview document with all the dates, presenters and abstracts of the presentations. On each date, a member of our RTG as well as a member of SFB Hybrid Societies will give a presentation. The next presentation will take place on July 19th, 2021 at 2 p.m.. Further information on this date are provided below:
Upcoming Presentations
Speakers | Title and Abstract |
Francisco Hernandez |
Implementing a telepresence robot in an industrial environment Working remotely for long periods of time directly impacts the employees' productivity, engagement, and motivation due to isolation and the lack of informal and spontaneous communication with colleagues within the work environment. Exploiting the best of face-to-face meetings and remote work is, without a doubt, needed. An alternative is the broader usage of telepresence robots (TPR). A TPR is a video conference system with remote control movement capabilities. The TPR driver (e.g., at home) can move independently and interact with people in a different location (e.g., at the office). The freedom of movement and the independent point of view given by the TPR are features that cannot be achieved with a regular video call. The communication is perceived as more natural due to the driver's physical presence via the TPR. For several years TPRs have been used to promote social interaction in office, academic, and medical environments, but it has not been implemented in an industrial context. Until this date, there is no known formal research for TPRs applications in industrial environments. This opens new research and potential application fields that need to be explored further. The TPR can be applied as a hands-free remote assistance tool and expand a practical implementation of telepresence. The benefits of a TPR for remote assistance in a production environment, the positive effect on discussion and exchange of information, the importance of being physically pre-sent versus telepresence (physical robot, digital person) will be examined later on. The presentation provides an overview of a series of preliminary tests and interviews with technical users and industry experts to determine suitable implementation scenarios and requirements for the TPR in an industrial environment. An initial set of requirements and four possible application scenarios will be presented. |