Photo of the photovoltaic system on the roof of the Center for Energy Technology. In the foreground you can see solar panels, in the background two people. © Amac Garbe The photo shows the view into the Multimodal Measurement Laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. In the center of the picture you can see two people. One person sits on the test setup, the other support and explains © Amac Garbe

Research in Step with the Times

The researchers of the three faculties of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Computer Science and Mechanical Science and Engineering are well networked. They work on an interdisciplinary basis on holistic engineering solutions for the requirements of our time. This is evidenced, for example, by the cross-faculty research focuses on circular economy, digital health, future energy systems, industry 4.0, materials 4.0 and smart human.

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Interdisciplinary Research Focus Areas

The photo shows a young man using a touchpad to operate a miniature car on a 5G test track. © Biermann-Jung Kommunikation & Film
Porträtfoto von Frau Dr. Anja Blüher ©

Research Manager


Dr. Anja Blüher

We shape the world - School of Engineering Sciences TU Dresden © TU Dresden

Research at the Faculties