A strong research network for the design of digital realities
Just as digitalization permeates all areas of life, our interdisciplinary research addresses the challenges of shaping our increasingly digital future in a responsible, sustainable and human-centric way. We combine basic research at the highest international level with applied research with impact and transfer potential.
In our six institutes, more than 400 scientists make important contributions to the international research landscape and to Dresden and Silicon Saxony as a high-tech location.
We are a major center for computational logic and artificial intelligence, where 10 professors alone make significant contributions to theoretical computer science, knowledge representation, machine learning and robotics. Our faculty is also one of the leading research institutions in the fields of data science, scientific computing, high-performance computing and systems research. The focus is on people: the effective support of human needs for security, trust, comprehensible and intuitive interfaces in dealing with computer systems and artificial intelligence is another focus of our internationally visible research.
We stand for research-oriented teaching. Our numerous collaborations, whether international or in our strong regional research network, offer our students the best insights into research and practice and prepare them optimally for their professional careers.

Research at the faculty of computer science
Current research issues in the field of computer science are processed by the institutes of applied computer science, artifical intelligence, software and multimedia technology, system architecture, technical computer science and theoretical computer science.
Internal and external research centers extend the research spectrum of the faculty. Among others, the internal center ICCL (International Center for Computational Logic) focuses on research in algebra, logic and formal methods, while the external centers BIOTEC and cfaed accomplish research in the field of bioinformatics or the development of alternative materials, technologies and systems for electronic devices of the future.