Staff Mobility
ERASMUS promotes guest lectureships, doctoral student exchanges, and further education and training measures for university staff at European partner universities.
Staff Mobility with Teaching Assignment
ERASMUS promotes guest lectureships at European partner universities. The aim of teaching stays is to complement the courses offered by the partner universities, to develop new teaching materials, to strengthen and expand the links between the specialist institutes, and to prepare new cooperation projects.
Funding Conditions
From 2 days (travel days excluded) to 2 months, with a minimum of 8 teaching hours in the case of staff mobility for teaching purposes.
How can funding be provided
Travel and accommodation costs are subsidized in accordance with the Saxon Travel Expenses Act on the basis of actual costs within the scope of available third-party funds.
If available, other funds (budget/other third-party funds) can be used for co-financing if necessary.
You can find detailed information here: ERASMUS+ staff mobility