Deregistration or Withdrawal from Examination
Table of contents
Cancellation of a written examination within the deadline
The online registration is mandatory. Deregistration from a written exam is possible online up to three working days (Monday to Saturday) before the exam without giving reasons.
For the Bachelor's degree programs in Computer Science and Media Computer Science as well as the Diploma and Master degree program in Computer Science, the withdrawal must be done via jExam.
For the international Master's degree programs in Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) and Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) as well as the Master's degree program in Media Informatics, the withdrawal must be made via selma.
Deregistrations in paper form will not be processed in these cases.
For the studies in jExam: Please download the deregistration confirmations in each case, print them and keep them carefully with your examination documents! The deregistration confirmation serves as your personal proof.
This completes the deregistration and no further confirmation by the examination board or the examination office is required. Before deregistering from an examination, please check whether a retake period is running! If you are unsure, please contact the responsible person in the examination office.
Timely withdrawal from an oral examination
Deregistration from an oral examination is possible up to two weeks before the examination (including the date of the examination) without giving reasons.
For the Bachelor's degree programs in Computer Science and Media Computer Science as well as the Diploma and Master degree program in Computer Science, the withdrawal must be made in writing to the examination office via the e-mail address .
For the international Master's degree programs in Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) and Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) as well as the Master's degree program in Media Informatics, the withdrawal must be made via selma. Deregistrations in paper form will not be processed in these cases.
The following types of examinations are assigned to the oral examinations: oral examinations / presentations / colloquium / presentation
Timely withdrawal from a semester-accompanying examination
Deregistration from a semester-accompanying examination during the semester is possible up to the deregistration deadline stated here without giving reasons.
For the Bachelor's degree programs in Computer Science and Media Computer Science as well as the Diploma and Master degree program in Computer Science, the deregistration must be made in writing to the Examinations Office via the e-mail address . For the international Master's degree programs in Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) and Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) as well as the Master's degree program in Media Computer Science , the deregistration must be made via selma.
Deregistrations in paper form will not be processed in these cases.
The following types of examinations are assigned to the semester-accompanying examinations: Seminar papers / Project work / Internship protocol / Exercises (PVL) / Preliminary examination (type not clearly stated) / Internship report / Project report.
Timely withdrawal from a study-accompanying examination
Deregistration from a study-accompanying examination is possible up to eight weeks after the issue of the topic without giving reasons.
For the Bachelor's degree programs in Computer Science and Media Computer Science as well as the Diploma and Master degree program in Computer Science, the withdrawal must be made in writing to the Examinations Office via the e-mail address . For the international Master's degree programs in Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS) and Distributed Systems Engineering (DSE) as well as the Master's degree program in Media Computer Science, the withdrawal must be made via selma.
Deregistrations in paper form will not be processed in these cases.
The following types of examinations are assigned to the study-accompanying examinations: Major Certificate (D-950) / Professional Internship (D-930) / Internship (DSE-20) / Research Project (CMS-05) / Team Project (CMS).
Withdrawal due to illness or absence without fault
Withdrawal after the deadlines specified in the applicable examination regulations must be notified immediately in written form to the Examination Office and must be substantiated (see examination regulations).
In case of withdrawal due to illness, the Request for withdrawal from examinations due to illness and the Medical Certificate form must be used. These certificates must be submitted in the original, no later than 5 business days after the examination date, and can be sent by post or inserted in one of the available official letterboxes/deadline mailboxes of the TUD. It is not possible to send them by e-mail.
The official letterboxes at the TU Dresden for medical certificates with deadlines can be found here.
The envelope must contain the complete address (see below), otherwise the letters cannot be correctly assigned and your withdrawal cannot take effect:
TU Dresden
Fakultät Informatik
Prüfungsamt | [Ihr Studiengang]
01062 Dresden
These letterboxes are emptied daily by the postal service and are date stamped.
In principle, a withdrawal due to illness must be asserted *before* the examination. Declarations of withdrawal which are only received by the examination board after the examination date without participation in the examination and which are based on reasons which already existed before the examination date cannot be accepted.
If you take part in an examination, you are declaring that you are fit to take the examination without being able to subsequently claim that you have health problems.
Finally, we draw your attention to the fact that your withdrawal only becomes legally binding once it has been approved by the examination board. If the resignation is not approved by the examination board, you will receive a written form with instructions on how to appeal.