DFG: Analysis of the correlation between fatigue behavior of remote laser cut fiber reinforced composites and process parameters
Due to its outstanding specific structural strength and stiffness fiber reinforced composites (FRC) are the preferred material for lightweight design. Mechanical processing and in particular cutting is a challenge for this material type. Laser processing being a thermal, contact-free and non-load applying method is a promising alternative to conventional cutting processes because of its wear-free and highly effective methodology. Irrespective of these strong advantages, the influence of the thermal input on the overall mechanical properties of the FRC and in particular the cyclic strength have to be critically analyzed. In order to guarantee an effective application of a remote laser cutting process while minimizing the damage introduced into the material structure during cutting, a profound understanding of the complex relation between process parameters and material properties has to be established. Only on this basis it will be possible to consider the specific characteristics of laser cut edges in the structural design of load-bearing FRC components. The overall goal of the project submitted is therefore a comprehensive experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of the remote laser cutting with continuous emitting laser beam source on the stiffness and strength properties of continuous fiber-reinforced FRC under cyclic mechanical loading. The experimental findings regarding the relation between process parameters and fatigue behavior of the laser cut samples will be merged by the numerical modelling of the laser cutting process and its damaging effects on the material structure. The insights gained will serve as a basis for a reliable fatigue life prediction model and the structural design of mechanically loaded carbon fiber composites and will also help to identify further steps towards an improved processing with regard to the cyclic strength of laser cut components.

Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Schmidt
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Chair of Computational and Experimental Solid Mechanics
Visiting address:
Zeunerbau, Room 353 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
Professor Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Beyer, Institute of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Technical University of Dresden
Professorin Dr.-Ing. Martina Zimmermann, Institute of Materials Science, Technical University of Dresden