Schwingfestigkeit umformtechnischer Blechabschnitte
Funding source
The research project was carried out in the framework of the industrial collective research programme (AiF-Nr. 20475BR). It was supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) through the AiF (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations eV) based on a decision taken by the German Bundestag.
Cooperation partner
Fraunhofer IGP Rostock
Project Content
The aim of the research project is to verify the fatigue strength of sheet metal sections used in forming technology, for example during the process of inserting a functional element, by means of a nominal stress concept. The approach is taken both by experiment and by numerical methods. On the one hand, nominal stress Woehler curves are to be generated to evaluate the notch cases. On the other hand, the finite element method and the application of local stress concepts will be used to verify the deformed sheet sections of press elements. The specific benefit, especially for SME users, can be seen in the elimination of uncertainties in the use of functional elements. With the aid of the design rules developed (e.g. fatigue assessment), time-consuming and cost-intensive tests are to be reduced or avoided altogether. The system suppliers of the functional elements expect the elimination of uncertainties as a result of the research project to lead to a much broader range of applications and sales beyond the existing markets of the automotive industry.
Focus within the professorship
- Numerical investigation of the press-fit process
- Development of a fatigue strength analysis based on the structural stress concept
- Validation of the fatigue strength verification on a practical component subjected to complex loads
Fachgruppe Betriebsfestigkeit

Dipl.-Ing. David Kühne
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Chair of Computational and Experimental Solid Mechanics
Visiting address:
MAR, Zimmer 161 Marschnerstraße 30
01307 Dresden