Ensemble dynamics of O2 bubbles at functionalized surfaces
Part of Project OXYSEP
Contact persons: Prof. Dr. et Ing. habil. Kerstin Eckert, Dr. Xuegeng Yang, Dr.-Ing. Karin Schwarzenberger
Project staff: M. Sc. Julian Heinrich
With the growing need of renewable energies and the goal to achieve climate neutrality, H2 came into focus for future energy systems due to its high efficiency and easy transportability.
The electrolysis of water represents currently the major source of H2. While the process itself as well as the nucleation of hydrogen are well understood, there is still lack in knowledge regarding the O2-bubbles, which hinders these systems to reach maximum efficiency.
- Surface functionalisation of metal substrates for an enhanced or hindered bubble nucleation process
- Study of O2-bubble nucleation on the functionalized surfaces in quiescent and flowing liquids
- Integration of flow structures and analysis of their impact on the bubble dynamics
Surface Functionalization
- Surface micro structuring
- Low pressure plasma functionalization
- SAMs (self-assembled monolayers)

Scheme of optical analysis setup.
- Laser diffraction
- Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
- Zeta-potential analysis
- Contact angle measurement
- Optical analyis