Mar 29, 2022
SCHAU REIN! Look in the ILK
On March 16, 2022, pupils visited our institute as part of the Saxony career orientation campaign "Schau Rein!" (Look-in). After the centrally organized tour of the main campus, in which the most important buildings of the TU Dresden were shown and the contact persons for later studies were introduced, the pupils went to the so-called "Campus-Johannstadt" where ILK is situated. Here, they were given an in-depth look at manufacturing and testing methods during a tour of our technical halls and could discuss possible paths for vocational training or studying in the field of lightweight engineering with the scientists and technicians. The rather small group of seven pupils not only ensured strict adherence to the Corona conditions, but also enabled direct, open discussions with the employees and an experience of everyday life in the technical halls. The students witnessed many practical demonstrations from the field of lightweight engineering, such as the braiding and winding of carbon fiber bodies, which are later processed into fiber composites, or the testing of crash structures with high-speed measurement technology in the drop tower. The students thus gained a good picture of the exciting tasks of a lightweight engineer that they might expect if they decide to choose one of the professions in this field.
It was also an educational experience for us to be confronted with the young people and their questions. We will implement some of the suggestions we received right away at Girls' Day at the end of April and at UNI Day on 21.05.2022.

Schau Rein! on 16.03.2022 at the ILK. Impressions - the tour through our technical halls.
Weiterführende Links:
- Schau-Rein! platform:
- Uni-Testen - extensive pupils offer of the TU Dresden, including the ILK