May 12, 2022
SICK sponsorship award for a student project at the ILK
Novel description method of multiple properties of carbon fibers contributes to sustainability of carbon fiber-based sensors.
Every year, the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation awards prizes to the best young scientific researchers in the field of sensor technology. This year, Mr. Nils Wieja was pleased to receive the award for his work during a research internship at the ILK. For his project on the correlation of mechanical and electrical properties of carbon fibers, he was awarded the SICK Foundation's Young Talent Award for Sensor and Measuring Systems Technology. The award ceremony including presentations of the award winners giving an insight into their work took place on April 29, 2022 in the Dülfersaal of the TU Dresden.
Carbon fibers consist of many individual carbon filaments and therefore feature multiple properties. Mr. Wieja investigated the relationship between the mechanical and electrical properties of carbon fibers. The probabilistically distributed dependencies he identified on the microscale enable a combined description of the mechanical-electrical property distributions of carbon fibers for the first time. This forms the basis for a deeper understanding of load-bearing carbon fiber-based sensor systems and allows novel methods for their development for use in high-tech applications. The results of the research supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude, Philip Steinbild, and Daniel Wolz are already being applied in various research projects, such as MonStrain and FAVILEIT.
The sponsorship award for this work not only honors Mr. Wieja's research on the interacting properties of carbon fibers. It equally honors the ILK's activities in the spirit of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation to provide young people with a comprehensive education, to inspire them to learn and to make them curious about science.
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Steinbild, Tel.: +49 (0)351 463-38054,
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel S. Wolz, Tel.: +49 (0)351 463-44046,
Dr.-Ing. Anja Winkler (Expert Group Leader, Function Integration), Tel.: +49 (0)351 463-38074,
Futher Information:
Gisela und Erwin Sick Stiftung
More to project MonStrain
More to project FAVILEIT