Integrated, systematic and digitally supported development of new material and manufacturing concepts with increased absolute and/or specific Young's modulus to reduce the overall weight of components of a high-performance gearbox designed to minimize deformation

Developed workflow for data driven guidance of experiments.
In the project MODUL, novel steel alloys with significantly increased specific Young's modulus, so-called high modulus steel (HMS), are being developed for the application in high bypass ratio turbines. The ILK supports these developments by data driven process models and subsequent optimizations, aiming at traceability and guiding experimental iterations.
In order to achieve this, the fundamental manufacturing process chain pursuit within the project was analyzed with regard to interdependency, flow of material and information as well as direct input and output to the entire process itself as well as individual process steps. A supporting data base containing results both from experiments as well as simulations was established in cooperation with the project partners. The "best-in-class" models are exported and linked into a developed GUI, allowing the originally intended bottom up evaluation of the models, but also enabling a top down optimization, leading to a set of process parameters expected to optimize a custom objective function, such as so maximizing the specific Young's modulus, while meeting additional constraints, such as meeting design requirements.

GUI for interacting with meta models: Top-Down approach.

Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and MultiMaterial Design
NameProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
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01307 Dresden
- Dr. Andreas Hornig (Calculation Methods and Simulation)
Publications Andreas Hornig | TU Dresden - Johannes Gerritzen (Calculation Methods and Simulation)
Publications Johannes Gerritzen | TU Dresden