Version 2.7.1 (03.10.2023)
Windows ZIP file (no installation required - extract and run the executable in the "bin" directory)
Linux ZIP file (no installation required - extract and run the executable in the "bin" directory)
MacOS ZIP file (no installation required - extract and run the executable in the "bin" directory)
Installation Instructions
Tutorialvideos (German)
eLamX² is a OpenSource, Java-written composite calculator, which is being developed at Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Chair of Aircraft Engineering. Calculations are based on the classical laminated plate theory. At present modules for composite calculation including hygrothermal effects, failure analysis and engineering constants, stability and deformation analysis of composite plates, comparison of a multitude of failure criteria and the World-Wide Failure Exercise are implemented. Additional modules dealing with micromechanics, nonlinear calculations, sandwich structures and composite plate vibration are planned or under development.
Easy laminate build-up
- mouse-controlled laminate build-up
- can be modified at will
- easy input of symmetrical laminates
- build-up apparent at all times
- ABD-Matrix in Tabellenform (kopierbar)
- inverse ABD-Matrix in Tabellenform (kopierbar)
- Ingenieurskonstanten
- Hygrothermale Eigenschaften
Composite calculation
- ABD-matrix
- strains and stress resultants
- thermal and hygroscopic effects
- layerwise local strains and stresses
- factor of safety for each ply including failure mode
- export
- for symmetrical laminates (D16, D26 ≠ 0 as well)
- bending-twisting coupling terms D16, D26 can be set to zero for comparison with analytical solutions
- rectangular plate with arbitrary boundary conditions (hinged, clamped, free)
- all in-plane loads (nx, ny, nxy)
- maximum number of half waves adjustable between 1 and 20
- consideration of stiffeners
- 3D-display of buckling modes
- png export
- for symmetrical laminates (auch D16, D26 ≠ 0)
- rectangular plate with arbitrary boundary conditions (hinged, clamped, free)
- constant surface pressure on the entire plate domain
- maximum number of half waves adjustable between 1 and 20
- consideration of stiffeners
- 3D-display of deflection
- local stresses and strains of each layer as contour plot
- visualization of failure locations
- png export
Stacking Sequence Optimization
- for symmetric and non-symmetrc Lay-Ups
- Strength and Buckling Constraints
- Optimization based on genetic Algorithms
- discrete Layer Angles
Failure criteria
- 3D display (Puck, ZTL, Hashin, Tsai-Wu, Mat58-LS-Dyna, max. stress, Cuntze, Edge, Rotem, Sun, Mayes)
- for arbitrary strength values
- superposed display possible
- raw data export
- png export
Failure body for composite laminates
- 3D display of laminate failure body using first ply failure criterion (Puck, ZTL, Hashin, Tsai-Wu, Mat58-LS-Dyna, max. stress, Cuntze, Edge, Rotem, Sun, Mayes)
- for arbitrary strength values
- for self-defined laminates
- raw data export
- png export
- LS-Dyna (Mat22, Mat54, Mat55, Mat58)
- Ansys
- Nastran
- Abaqus
Polar plot of the laminate stiffness properties
- polar plot of A11, A12, A22 und A16
- each component can be disabled
- png export
- raw data export
Material Data Base
- material information for different fibre-matrix combinations
- material properties from different literature
- Patches and Bugfixes are automatically installed
- Enable/Disable plugins
Custom number formats
- all number formats can be customized
- different unit systems possible
- OS system language is used by default
- englich, german are supported

Research Associate
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hauffe
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Chair of Aircraft Engineering
Chair of Aircraft Engineering
Visiting address:
MAR32, 3rd floor, Room 321 Marschner Straße 32
01307 Dresden