Centre for Tactile Internet
The Centre for Tactile Internet with THuman-in-the-Loop (CeTI) is a cluster of excellence at Technische Universität Dresden. Its central vision is to enable humans to interact in real-time with cyber-physical systems (CPS), robots and computers, in the real or virtual world over intelligent communication networks. To tackle this challenge, CeTI conducts unique interdisciplinary research and addresses major open research topics in human-machine interaction, sensor and actuator technologies, software and hardware designs, and communication networks as the basis for several novel use cases in medicine, industry, and the Internet of Skills.The Chair of Industrial Design Engineering takes part in this interdisciplinary approach by applying experience-centered design knowledge to various CeTI research questions and use cases. We contribute to developing wearables integrating sensors and actuators, such as the CeTI glove and the FingerTac for interacting with virtual environments and skill learning. Further, we explore design research questions on technology acceptance, user experience, and science communication of skill learning, virtual worlds, and human-machine interaction. While doing so, we are facilitating inter- and transdisciplinary research by visualizing research visions and developing demonstrators. With demonstrators, we communicate CeTIs scientific work to the public by enabling people to experience CeTIs future technology today.