Dec 03, 2021
Parallel Experiments in Deep-Drawing and Press-Forming of Paperboard

Arvo Niini (LUT) and Lena Berthold (TUD) at the lab
From 22 of November to 3rd of December Finnish doctoral student Arvo Niini from Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) visited the TUD for collaborative experiments with doctoral student Lena Berthold.
They worked at the Chair of Processing Technology and Processing Machinery in the group of Forming of Fibre-based Materials. The chair and the group share research interests with the Laboratory of Packaging Technology at LUT.

Setup for Deep-Drawing experiments
The aim of the experiments is to investigate and optimise the moisture effects during the deep-drawing and press-forming of paperboard tray packages. In the parallel experiments, the deep-drawing tests are conducted at TUD and press-forming test at LUT.
The results will be used to compile a co-publication in which the mechanical performace of the 3D-formed tray packages are compared. The advantages and disadvantages of both forming processes will be discussed.

Arvo Niini and Lena Berthold at the INT main bulding
The Group of Forming of Fibre-based Materials and The LUT Laboratory of Packaging Technology have collaborated previously and they hope to continue the nice tradition in the future.