BIOMINT - Biomimetic mineralisation for technical devices
BIOMINT is funded by the ministry of education and research within the framework „ForMaT“ of the innovation initiative „Operation Region“. It is part of the research and foundation project of the TU Dresden. The aim of this project to build up a virtual innovation lab for "biomimetic mineralization for technical devices (BIOMINT)" is based on a corporation between researchers of the institute of material sciences, the institute of genetics, the institute of food technology and bioprocess engineering and the institute of stuctural physics.
In the screening phase (until October 2008) innovative ideas and results with a high synergetic potential were identified and evaluated for a rapid development and market launch.
High synergies are expected by the corporation of material scientist, chemists, physicists, biologist and bioprocess engineers.
From the beginning the project is managed by economical rules with the aim of a product marketing and a company foundation.
The core of expertise of the BIOMINT contains following main pillars:
- Biomimetic Material processing
- Molekulargenetic Design of Proteins and Microorganism
- Bioprocessengineering for White Biotechnology
Cooperation partners:
- Institute of Genetic, TU Dresden
- Institut of Material Sciences, TU Dresden
- Institut of Structur Physics, TU Dresden
- Dresden Exists, TU Dresden
Project financing:
Ministry of research and education (BMBF)
Term of project:
01.06.2009 - 31.05.2011
Trutnau, Bley