Spray Dryer
(Büchi Labortechnik GmbH)
For any request, please refer to service.weigand(at)chemie.tu-dresden.de
The spray dryer with advanced ultrasonic nozzle is used for powder production from solutions and suspensions. The advantage of this equipment is the formulation of solid particles (e.g. Catalysts) with homogeneous properties, such as narrow particle size distribution. Product particles can be easily shaped adjusting different parameters, such as liquid flow or suspension composition. This technology can be applied for formulation of different research catalyst particles, for instance as
model for FCC-Catalyst , zeolites, copper oxide, etc.; and also, for different support materials like alumina, clay or silica. Particle size can be increased with this equipment up to 40 um, depending of the precursor suspension or solution employed. Particle size distribution of product particles is determined through laser scattering (Bettersizer S3 Plus).