Graduates are important to us!
Keep in touch with your faculty and university! And find out future news from faculty and university life!
Online registration zum MEET ALUMNI, 29.09.2023 in Dresden
Please register by August 31, 2023 using the online form for the MEET ALUMNI. Please direct any questions to We look forward to your participation.
In order to be able to finance the social evening, we rely on donations. Please register and transfer an amount of your choice to our donation account (see attachment). If your employer or your own company is interested in chemical specialists or would simply like to promote networking, we would also be happy to receive a company donation, which can also be transferred to the donation account.
Information about donation transfers
Donations can be transferred to a central TU Dresden account. The correct allocation to the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry takes place on the one hand by notifying a cost center or a WBS element in the intended purpose. On the other hand, we require every donor to send a short message about their donation and their contact details (name, address, telephone) by email to When we submit a donation notification to the central university administration, the donation can be allocated to the faculty. Donation receipts are only issued for donations over €300. For all amounts below this, proof via a bank statement is sufficient.
Account holder: Technical University of Dresden
IBAN: DE52 8504 0000 0800 4004 00
Purpose 1: F-002498-539-000-1036100
Purpose 2: Donation to the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Heinz-Schönfeld-Hörsaal im Barkhausen-Bau
Georg-Schumann-Straße 13, 01069 Dresden
Your graduate officer in the faculty:

Dr. Philipp Schlender
Faculty Administrator
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Faculty Deanery Chemistry
Faculty Deanery Chemistry
Visiting address:
Walther-Hempel-Bau, room 205 Mommsenstr. 4
01069 Dresden
We would be delighted if you kept in touch with us. Become a member of the TU Dresden graduate network – We will contact you:
We offer you:
- Regular information on the latest from the university and faculty
- Appointments, job offers, events
- The Graduate Magazine „Kontakt-online “
- International contacts through the TU TU-regional ambassadors
- Assistence at graduate meetings
You can find offers from the graduate department and contacts here: