Migrierende Substanzen aus Coatings
Eckardt M., Hetzel L., Brenz F., Simat T.J. (2019). Release and migration of cyclic polyester oligomers from bisphenol A non-intent polyester–phenol-coatings into food simulants and infant food – a comprehensive study. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A.
Eckardt M., Benisch, R., Simat T.J. (2020). Characterisation, release and migration of phenolic compounds from resoles used in polyester-phenol coatings intended for food contact materials. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A.
Ungethüm T., Enge S., Wolf N., Simat T. J.: Analytik von PFAS aus PTFE-beschichteten Bratpfannen mittels TD-GC-MS (51. Deutsche Lebensmittelchemietage, Bonn, 2023)
Enge S., Ungethüm T., Wolf N., Simat T. J.: Migration von PFAS aus beschichteten Backartikeln (51. Deutsche Lebensmittelchemietage, Bonn, 2023)
Wolf N., Müller L., Simat T.J.: Emissions of PFAS from Fluoropolymer-coated Cookware - Analysis by TD-GC-MS (50. Lebensmittelchemikertag, Hamburg, 2022)
Eckardt M., Hetzel L., Simat T. J.: Migration of linear and cyclic polyester oligomers from polyester-phenolcoatings into food and food simulants (ILSI, 2016)