Jan 24, 2024
"Shimmering. Sucking. Sailing. Neozoa in Saxony" - public exhibition in the biology building of TU Dresden

Scarlett dragonfly
Scarlett dragonfly, buffalo cicada, mandarin duck or southern oak cricket - all these animals have one thing in common: they now live in Saxony, although they are originally native to other parts of the world. In scientific language these species are called "neozoa". Every year, alien species are discovered here in Saxony. Which species do these newcomers belong to and when were they first seen? Some species are very conspicuous, others remain undiscovered for a long time. How do we discover them? How do they come to Saxony? Are they useful or harmful? Will they stay? When do they become native? And what do these species have to do with the Faculty of Biology at the Technische Universität Dresden?
The current exhibition "Shimmering. Sucking. Sailing. Neozoa in Saxony" provides visitors with answers to these and other questions. The exhibition curators also offer individual guided tours for interested groups and school classes from grade 5.
Opening hours:
ceremonial opening: Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 4:40 p.m.
May 9 - December 21, 2023
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m
Admission is free of charge.
Foyer in the Biology building of the TU Dresden.
Zellescher Web 20b, 01217 Dresden
Guided tours (also for school classes) and inquiries:
Media inquiries:
Dr. Stefanie Wiedmer
Applied Zoology
TU Dresden
Tel. 0351 463 36949