Graduate Lecture
Graduate Lectures
This series of lectures aims at Master‘s and PhD students in mathematics and offers a first glimpse into topics which are not routinely taught in our MSc/PhD programme.
The emphasis is to introduce new concepts and techniques, and not to present full mathematical details.
Dr. Christian Becker (TU Dresden, Institut für Geometrie)
Surfaces, Groups and Gauge Fields I - III
Termine: 01.11., 08.11. and 15.11. 2016, 14:50 Uhr - 16:20 Uhr, WIL A 120
Alle Veranstaltungen: Graduate Lectures / Seminar Geometrie
Prof. Dr. Andreas Thom
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Institut für Geometrie
Institut für Geometrie
Bürogebäude Z21, Raum 248.1 Zellescher Weg 25
01217 Dresden