Research Projects
current projects
BAYFLEX: Bayesian Inference using Flexible Electronics for Electrophysiological Applications
BAYOEN: BAYesian inference with organic electrochemical transistors for neuromorphic sensors
BIM4CE: Bridge monitoring using real-time data and digital twins for central Europe
BioSens: Biodegradable thin-film sensors for monitoring wood-based parts and components
DARING: Digitalized heat storage for the energy transition
EMERGE: Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure
ExFolia: Powerful, printed & recyclable batteries made from leaves
Progeny: Proto-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Hybrid Systems for Generation-Next Bionic Devices
finished projects
ADONIS: Advanced Organic Sensors
INFRAKart: Feuchtemessung mittels organischer Infrarot-Detektoren zur
Steuerung von Verarbeitungsmaschinen für Kartonagen
OrgNanoMorph: Kontrolle über die Morphologie Organischer Materialien auf der Nanometerskala
PEROWSKITE: Erforschung blei- und zinnfreier Perowskit-Solarzellen mit Vakuumverfahren
REAL: Ressourcenschonende elektrochemische Analytik
Re-Learning: Selbstlernende und flexible Elektronik durch inhärente Bauelement-Rekonfiguration