Nov 23, 2022
CELLAR Community Meeting from 28.-30.11.2022 in Dresden
The underground physics laboratories in Europe are a driving force for progress in various fields. These include nuclear and particle physics with their fundamental research questions, for example about the evolution of the universe, but also investigations into nuclear reactions that take place in the sun and other stars.
From November 28-30, 2022, experts from European underground laboratories will gather in Dresden for the CELLAR Community Meeting 2022 (CELLAR stands for Collaboration of European Low-level LAboRatories) to present recent developments in the field and exchange ideas with innovation partners from industry.
Underground laboratories play an important role in physics research. This is because very sensitive measurements can be carried out in these locations. Thick layers of rock separate the experiments from the earth's surface and protect them from outside influences. There are hardly any vibrations, and cosmic radiation, which is omnipresent on the Earth's surface, is shielded. The laboratories are therefore used for the search for rare and new physical processes, for highly sensitive studies of environmental radioactivity or nuclear astrophysics.
The event is organized by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, VKTA (Strahlenschutz, Analytik & Entsorgung Rossendorf e. V.) and TU Dresden and supported by the EU project ChETEC-INFRA.