Dec 13, 2018
Daniel Reichelt honored with Ehrenfried-Walter-von-Tschirnhaus-Urkunde
Daniel Reichelt, Master of Science, is one of the best graduates of the TU Dresden. On 7 December 2018, the 26-year-old physicist was awarded an Ehrenfried-Walter-von-Tschirnhaus-Urkunde by the rector of the TU Dresden.
Daniel Reichelt studied physics at the TU Dresden. As a master student, Daniel performed his research on predictions for high-energy particle collisions in the working group of Dr. Frank Siegert at the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics. In the study entitled "Comparison of analytical and parton-shower approaches to soft-gluon resummation at NLL accuracy", Daniel worked at the interface between numerical simulation programs („parton showers“) on the one hand, and analytical resummation calculations on the other hand. Previously, it was not possible to include the same physics details in both approaches, so any comparison between them was only vague and qualitative. Daniel not only managed to formulate the analytical calculations in a parton-shower language, but actually implemented a shower program on that basis which allowed to make exact quantitative comparisons.