Jul 04, 2017
Pizza Lunch about Career and Networking for Women
Networking for Scientists: Steps to Your Networking Success
Finding your career path is complicated. Even though, universities and research facilities are making great efforts to improve gender equality, the higher the position, the lower the percentage of women. However, networking and mentoring can help improve the situation.
Join our „Pizza Lunch for Women“: 17 July 2017, 12.30 a.m. at Andreas-Schubert-Bau (ASB, Zellescher Weg 19) E19 for free pizza, drinks and a crash course on networking. Astrid Gängler will present the do’s and don’ts of networking and provide useful tips for the making of a career.
„Pizza Lunch for Women“ is a regularly established event with Dr. Monica Dunford, Eleonore Trefftz Visiting Professor, to discuss the critical challenges women face when building a career. It aims at starting a conversation in order to find support and new points of reference.
Students and TU Dresden staff are welcome to join. Should you like to join please send a short message to anne.feuerhack@tu-dresden.de. So we can make sure everybody gets a slice of pizza.
Contact persons
Dr. Monica Dunford
Tel. +49 351 463-34110
Anne Feuerhack
Tel. +49 351 463-32957