Project Overview Project Overview A Project Area Theory A01 Spin liquids and their descendants: Phenomenology, dynamics, and defects M. Vojta, R. Moessner A02 Transport, excitations, and criticality in frustrated quantum magnets W. Brenig, M. Vojta A04 Magnetic nodal semimetals C. Timm, J. Link, T. Meng A05 Mapping out materials properties from first principals J. van den Brink, O. Janson A06 Emergent non-Hermitian topology in correlated systems J. Budich, M. Haque A07 New types of frustrated and topological matter L. Janssen, S. Zhang, R. Moessner B Project Area Materials B01 Synthesis, crystal growth, and phase diagrams of frustrated magnets S. Wurmehl, A. Wolter-Giraud B03 Synthesis of frustrated magnets on triangular lattices M. Ruck, T. Doert B05 Synthesis of magnetic nodal semimetals C. Felser B06 Synthesis of unconventional magnetic materials B. Lake C Project Area Electronic Properties C01 Thermodynamics and spin-lattice interaction in high magnetic fields J. Wosnitza, H.-H. Klauss, M. Dörr C02 Competing orders and spin dynamics: Nuclear probes H.-H. Klauss, R. Sarkar C03 Neutron scattering on frustrated quantum magnets D. Inosov, D. C. Peets C04 Electron spectroscopy and holography A. Lubk, B. Büchner C05 Scanning probe microscopy: Magnetic structures and topological states L. Eng C06 X-ray spectroscopy: Electronic degrees of freedom and their excitations J. Geck, L. H. Tjeng C07 Spin and entropy transport B. Büchner C09 Strain tuning of frustrated magnets J. Geck, E. Gati, A. P. Mackenzie C10 Transport properties of itinerant frustrated and topological magnets E. Hassinger C11 Exotic excitations from linear and non-linear THz spectroscopy S. Kaiser Central Projects MGK Integrated Research Training Group C. Timm, S. Wurmehl, S. Kaiser Z Central services M. Vojta Project Overview 1. Funding Period 2015-2018 Project Overview 2. Funding Period 2019 - 2022