DiaDisK examines the disruptive effects of digitization in the institutions central to the knowledge society - university, library and school - and focuses on institutions localized in Dresden (Open Science@TUD, SLUB and University School). Using a combination of linguistic and psychological approaches, the project examines how the established and monopolistically organized knowledge infrastructural orders in the three fields are transformed into open knowledge systems and how these disruptive and innovative potentials of digitization are constructed and interpreted on a discursive and individual level. By developing and testing an integrative methodology for analyzing disruptive phenomena and their interpretations, which systematically interweaves their cognitive-affective anchoring with their discursive-epistemic imprints, the project offers approaches for empirically comprehensively validated change management.
This project is a collaboration with
- Chair of Applied Linguistics
- Chair of German Linguistics and Language History
- Dresden University School
- Saxon State and University Library
as part of the TUD Initiative "Disruption and Societal Change" (TUDiSC)