Jun 02, 2024
The week of tutorial work from 01.06.2024 - 08.06.2024

Tutor at the pinboard
Diversity and commitment: The "Week of Tutorial Work" at TU Dresden
June 6, 2024 marks the fifth anniversary of Tutoring Day . This nationwide day of action recognizes the indispensable work of tutors and brings the diverse activities of the programs into the spotlight throughout Germany. This commitment will also be honored at the TUD Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) as part of the "Week of Tutorial Work" from June 1 - 8, 2024: our thanks go to all dedicated student tutors.
Tutorial work plays a crucial role in the educational landscape by providing students with additional support and guidance or personal mentoring. It enables students to clarify individual questions, master university and personal (learning) challenges and ensure academic success. This important part of the educational process would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of tutors and tutor trainers.
The "Week of Tutoring" is intended as a sign of recognition for the important role that tutors play in the university landscape. But while we honor their commitment, we also want to draw attention to a challenge: Financial constraints mean that contract hours for tutors are being reduced. This has a direct impact on their ability to adequately prepare and follow up teaching. It is crucial that created tutor positions receive sufficient resources to ensure high-quality teaching.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all tutors, tutors whose dedication and expertise help to enrich life and learning at TU Dresden for all students. Their patience and ability to communicate complex concepts in an understandable way, as well as their continuous support, make a significant difference to the educational success of our students. International students and first-year students are also accompanied by student tutors.
Especially in times like these, when the educational landscape is constantly changing and new challenges arise, the work of tutors is of great value. We would also like to emphasize that the TU Dresden project "TUTORING" makes an important contribution to the professionalization of all tutors. TUTORING offers didactic-methodical workshops and qualification offers such as shadowing, counseling and further training in order to continuously improve the quality of tutoring work.
Let's celebrate the diversity and commitment of tutors at TU Dresden and beyond and at the same time advocate for better support for these important stakeholders. We are happy to be available for all subject tutors and tutor trainers and look forward to continuing to offer a comprehensive program thanks to university support - in the form of partial continuation:
In the week of tutorial work around June 6, 2024, we invite everyone to recognize the work of our tutors and exercise instructors and to thank them. Posters and buttons will reach all faculties and Faculty Student Councils. Various posts on Instagram will also show the diversity of tutorial work at TU Dresden.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or interview requests.