Mar 22, 2023
Students can apply for energy price allowance

Students in a course
The Studentenwerk Dresden takes over the preparation, processing as well as the support of the approval process in the fully automated specialized procedure for approx. 120,000 eligible students for all state and private universities in Saxony.
Only in Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein has this task been assigned to a Studentenwerk. In principle, however, the Studenten- and Studierendenwerke do not influence either the central application conditions or the allocation of access codes by the universities. The application procedure was tested in advance with selected pilot universities from various German states. The money is paid out via the federal treasury. All students who were enrolled at a university or technical college on December 1, 2022, are entitled to the money. The prerequisite is a place of residence or habitual abode in Germany on this cut-off date. The flat-rate energy allowance is neither taxed nor offset against any social benefits.
Students at universities in Saxony who are eligible to apply can contact the Studentenwerk Dresden at if they have any questions. For more information, visit or call the central information hotline at +49 800 2623 003.