Dec 02, 2024
TeamWork 2025 - Apply now for an international online experience in spring 2025!
Would you like to gain international (professional) experience without having to travel far? Then TeamWork 2025 is just right for you! In this programme, you will work together with up to five students from EUTOPIA universities on exciting projects provided by international organizations. You will not only strengthen your intercultural and digital skills, but also make valuable contacts for the future. The program runs in February and March 2025.
The most important facts at a glance:
- Application deadline: 20.12.2024
- Introduction & getting to know each other: Feb. 5, 2025, 10-12 a.m. (at the TUD)
- Intercultural training & preparation: Feb. 2025 (online)
- Active phase with companies: March 3 to March 28, 2025, time required: approx. 10 hours per week (online)
- Open to: all degree programs and levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD)
You don't need any specific prior knowledge or experience in a particular subject area, your field of study or your year doesn't matter - just bring your perspectives and ideas and share them with others!
The projects are provided by organizations from all over Europe and from a wide range of industries. This means that the tasks will be varied and wide-ranging. At the same time, you will work with students from different countries and departments to develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges.
Take your chance to become part of an international team and gain valuable skills for your future!
You can find more information here.