Citizens’ University and Seniors’ Academy
At TU Dresden, there are various ways to participate in university education.
Dresden’s Citizens’ University was founded in 1994 as a TU Dresden service for the people living in the local area. The aim of the Citizens' University is to make TU Dresden more accessible to everyone by offering suitable courses and academic activities. This could be lectures, lecture series, working groups or discussion groups, giving participants the opportunity to get to know the diverse academic disciplines and capabilities of their city's university.
The Citizens' University is supported by the Spangenberg-Stiftung, which was set up for this purpose in the summer of 1994 by Ms. Renate Stadler, née Spangenberg. Individual donations can also be made to the Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden at any time.
The Citizens' University program is updated every semester and published together with the Senior' Academy program.
Registration for the Citizens’ University is required to attend events. The fee is EUR 40.00 per semester, regardless of the number of courses attended.
For full program details and registration, please visit the Seniors’ Academy website and filter the programs with the keyword “Bürgeruniversität .”
The Senior’s Academy (DSA) is an education program offered by TU Dresden, the art colleges and museums of the city of Dresden. It was founded in 1994 as a result of a collaboration between the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum and TU Dresden, involving a large number of universities, museums and other public institutions in the City of Dresden. These founding institutions continue to serve in an advisory capacity on the Advisory Board of the Seniors’ Academy.
Excursions, guided tours, discussion groups, concerts, artistic circles, project weeks, lectures and talks offer a wide range of opportunities not only to gain new knowledge or artistic experience, but also to actively participate in the transfer of knowledge and the practice of art.
The Seniors’ Academy' program is regularly updated and published together with the Citizens’ University program. The program is open to all citizens.
Registration for the Seniors’ Academy’ is required to attend events. The semester fee amounts to EUR 40.00.
All information about the program, registration, the comprehensive educational program, interest groups and projects, as well as the latest news about association life can be found on the Seniors’ Academy website.
If you want to offer a course:
The educational courses offered by TU Dresden for the Citizens' University and the Seniors' Academy are requested by Integrale - Institute for Studium Generale, information can be obtained from Integrale.

Integrale - Institut für studium generale
Verwaltungsgebäude 2 (StuRa), Zi. 14 Alexandra Seifert
01062 Dresden
c/o Studentenrat
01062 Dresden