The "ice cream man" of the German soccer league
(Interviewed in 2004)
Rosa Hauch
"If I were to have 'normal' days, if there were no challenges, that would be a sign that I'd need to start looking for something new. The beauty of a manager's days is that 'normal' does not exist. Every day is different."

Ice cream for HSV soccer stars Bernardo Romeo and Rudolfo Estepan Cardoso; Michael Balzer is in the middle.
Michael Balzer is on the road at least twice a week – in Germany, the rest of Europe, and wherever there is a call for ice cream (amongst other products). There is no such thing as fixed working hours for him, and he is often on duty on weekends. "I usually start the day in the office at around 8:30 a.m. reading up to 50 emails. Then, there are phone calls, meetings, and appointments. Everyday work for me includes the detailed organization of hundreds of events (mobile ice cream sales, etc.), promotional activities, and contract negotiations. With sports marketing agencies in particular, there's usually a lot of money involved." And to stay in shape, Michael Balzer makes time to jog around Hamburg's Outer Alster at least once a week.
From amateur chef to manager
At school, Michael was at the top of his class in science. Cooking and creating dishes had always been his hobby, so he had long known what he wanted to study. "We all have to eat." His degree met all his expectations; he did well in all subjects and the budding food technologist had no bad experiences. A good merit-based scholarship meant he often had time to relax at the student club "Gag 18," of which he was an honorary member for many years. After completing his final-year dissertation ahead of schedule, the graduate food technologist focused his energies on research into the development of a membrane bioreactor. "Membrane bioreactors are at the heart of many areas of biotechnology research and production. Products like this are used in the pharmaceutical industry, for example." Yet his research was not crowned with success. The period when Michael Balzer was starting his doctorate saw the launch of the Department of Biotechnology. Almost the only thing available was literature; there were no devices or equipment. Membrane technology was in short supply – even harder to get your hands on in the GDR than "Rosenthaler," the highly sought-after Bulgarian wine. Then, the Berlin Wall fell and after in-depth analysis, Balzer became convinced the subject of his thesis was no longer relevant in a united Germany. But instead of trying to read the coffee grounds, Michael Balzer took initiative. He was given the opportunity to take part in an assessment center at Unilever in Hamburg... and was the first person from former East Germany to pass. Battling on was the name of the game. Today, the manager would always recommend taking part in a trainee program. "I got a comprehensive insight into the company and, above all, into areas that were largely unfamiliar at the time. The result was that after the 15 months were up, I was able – at my own request – to switch to sales, which had not originally been on my radar at all. Today, the program is very different, even more hands-on, and each and every participant is entrusted with a lot of responsibility relatively early on. For newcomers to the field in particular, I think it's the best introduction to management."
Best in show with IT skills
"In the beginning, I could be eyed very suspiciously. The 'trainee from the East' was an exotic stranger in 1990. However, my university achievements and grades were never questioned. I was lucky – food technology at TU Dresden had an excellent reputation. My computer skills in particular, acquired on 'good old Russian technology,' were more than equal to anyone else's and are still an important asset to me today." A legendary talent for improvisation is also one of his strong suits in the events sector. Michael Balzer draws comparisons with colleagues in similar posts and can use the lessons learned. "Something always goes wrong; what matters is what you do about it and make of it." Michael Balzer is creative and self-critical: "Sometimes I'm still very impatient."
Sports and ice cream

A man in the ice?!
That restiveness is surely due in part to the potential impact of his decisions: Michael Balzer supplies major events – with an emphasis on the major. "At this year's Formula 1 Grand Prix at Nürburgring, around 40,000 Magnums, Soleros and Cornettos were sold over the counter and from vendors' trays. That's the equivalent of about four metric tons of ice cream on one weekend." Enough to give you the chills?
Balzer also manages sponsoring activities for around half the German Bundesliga soccer league, has created special family zones for the youngest fans, and supplies the national soccer team with ice-cold refreshments. "In the beginning, it was a strange feeling to suddenly find yourself sitting down one-on-one with people whom, for years, you'd only known from the media, working out a mutually beneficial agreement together."
Cooking with Michael
Turning a hobby into a profession need not be a pipe dream. You just need the right ingredients: diligence, openness, a pinch of luck and a good pound of commitment, social skills, creativity and reliable partners, both in business and in your personal life as well. What a vote of confidence: "My wife is happy to give me free rein in the kitchen on weekends. Casseroles are my specialty, and I don't need a cookbook. My two sons (aged 7 and 4) appreciate that very much."
Michael Balzer knows exactly what's in his food. Pursuant to ISO 9001 or the "Karlsruher Schema" food quality assessment standards, foodstuffs in his company are subject to ongoing monitoring and control. Can a food expert actually enjoy eating out? "I always like eating in places where creative chefs are in charge and where cleanliness and friendliness are a given. In places like that, I can easily become a regular." Michael Balzer still comes to Dresden around twice a year, either to attend a career fair (Bonding/AIESEC) on behalf of Unilever or simply to visit old friends and acquaintances (and above all his sister, Sylvia Schöne, who manages the TU library online services).
Contact details:
Michael Balzer, Langnese-Iglo GmbH
Food Service & Events Director
Dammtorwall 15
20355 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 35972485
Email: Michael Balzer