Drei Flaggen vor einem hellen hisorischen Gebäude. Die linke Flagge zeigt das Logo der TU Dresden, die Mittlere zeigt die Pride-Flag und die Drrtte Flagge verweist auf den Kooperationspartner Dresden CONCEPT e.V. © Diversity Management verschiedene Karten zu den Themen Diversität und Inklusion und den zugehörigen Maßnahmen an der TU Dresden. Diese liegen verstreut auf einem Tisch © Crispin-Iven Mokry

Providing manifold opportunities and using full potential!

In ever more complex work, research and study environments, TU Dresden aims to provide all students and staff with manifold opportunities and use all the potential available. This guiding principle comprises far more than measures that serve to prevent any kind of discrimination due to ethnic or social origin, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual identity. Improving participation at TU Dresden requires not only reacting to problems and obstructions as they arise, but also to take proactive measures by creating a positive environment.
The Staff Unit Diversity Management at TU Dresden aims to develop a strategic master plan for acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the diversity of our university's members, and also to ensure organizational accessibility.

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Menschen vor einem Baum posieren gemeinsam als Gruppe für die Kamera © Diversity Management

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