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University Culture

TUD Dresden University of Technology is developing into a globally oriented and at the same time regionally anchored top university for the 21st century. It thus fulfills a social function - for the members of the university as well as for civil society. With the profiling and strengthening of its university culture, TU Dresden is also becoming an excellent role model of a socially responsible, equal opportunity, diversity and cosmopolitan, sustainable institution that has an impact on society.

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internationale Studierende © Crispin Iven Mokry

Would you like to keep track of the diverse activities in the Prorectorate University Culture? Our recommendation: Subscribe to the online magazine "culTUre - Impressions of University Culture". This online magazine actively informs you directly to your device on topics of diversity, sustainability, campus life, the interaction of university and society, and health. Six times a year. Clear. Versatile. Accessible.