The Prestige project aims at the development, application and validation of innovative multi-disziplinary simulation and design methods for an improved understading of airplane turbines. Six work packages are focused on the following topics:
1. Highly accurate , instationary simlations and validation of compressor flows
2. Coupled, instationary, aero-thermal simulation and sensitivity analysis of the turbine to improve the lifetime prediction of components
3. Simulation and validation of instationary flows at the inlet fans under cross flow conditions aiming at better prediction of efficiency and vibrations
4. Computaiton and validation of the interaction of reverse trust and the airplane body by simulation of the instationary flow topology and frequencies
5. Multidisziplinary, fully coupled, aero-mechanic analysis of engine systems including real geometry effects for an improved predictions of the system behavior in transient flight
6. Accelerated insight into large instationary simulations by means of novel in-situ data reduction and visualization methods.
ZIH is involved in work package1 in the highly parallel performance analysis and scalability improvement of the CFD code Hydra and in work package 6 in the design scalability improvement of the in-situ visualization methods.
- Rolls-Royce Germany Ltd & Co KG (Coordinator)
- TUD: Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
- DLR: Brunswick, Cologne
- Universities: Darmstadt (Germany), Surrey (UK)
- Companies: Kitware, Intelligent Light, T-Systems Solutions for Research GmbH
ZIH contacts:
Andreas Knüpfer
01.06.2018 - 31.05.2021
Financial support:
BMWi (FKZ 20T1716A)