Jan 22, 2025
KI in the classroom and sharing best practices
Artificial intelligence has become a significant and challenging topic at both universities and schools. While "AI" has been supporting research and the further development of the natural sciences at TU Dresden for decades, various challenges are emerging in the linguistics and didactics departments with regard to teaching in schools. Among other things, this raises questions about the possibilities for integrating AI into the classroom, about one's own positioning on the use of AI as a resource in lesson planning and design, and about careful handling and guidance with students.
TU Dresden would like to support school administrators and teachers in this process. For this reason, we would like to invite you to a tandem event on the topic of "AI in the classroom". Together with the School Contact Point, the TU Dresden Teacher Academy is offering a training day combined with the Good Practice Day School Projects.
The program of the Teachers' Academy in the morning includes a series of lectures dedicated to the use of AI in the classroom from different professional perspectives:
- Analysis of World Knowledge in GPT (Prof. Dr. Simon Razniewski)
- College:in AI? Ethical-pedagogical reflections on new tandems in the classroom (Prof. Dr. Birte Platow)
- From excellence research to the classroom. Discovering AI applications for yourself (Marcus Kotte)
- Google vS ChatGPT? Targeted research with AI models (Markus Sprenger)
- Language models as digital storytellers in the narrative teaching-learning context (Ariane Schneider)
In the afternoon, scientists from TU Dresden will present concrete projects that make artificial intelligence and science tangible for students. There will also be themed tables to encourage discussion:
- the development of offers for schools in rural areas
- the promotion of talent and STEM support
- the TU Dresden Teacher Academy
- Successful networking and dialog formats
Aims of the tandem event:
- Presentation of the scientific status of AI and experiences in the use of AI in university teaching
- Presentation of the diversity of perspectives on the use of AI in teaching, in particular by academics in the fields of STEM didactics, linguistics and religious education
- Exchange on the use of AI in teaching
- Own positioning on the use of AI in the classroom
- Presentation of the range of exciting projects at TU Dresden and our partner schools
- Networking and exchange between TU Dresden lecturers and teachers and school administrators
- Development of new ideas and perspectives for everyday school life and lesson design
Target group:
Teachers and head teachers from all Saxon schools are invited.
Tuesday, March 04, 2025 from 09:00 to 15:15 in the Fritz-Förster Baum, lecture hall FOE 244/H and FOE 102
Registration form
- Please register on the website of the school contact point: https: //tu-dresden.de/studium/vor-dem-studium/service-fuer-schulen/good-practice-tag
- You can find more information about the morning training course at https://tu-dresden.de/zlsb/lehrkraefteakademie/fortbildungsprogramm/termine/ki-im-unterricht-ein-multiperspektivischer-diskurs-zum-umgang-mit-ki-im-unterricht