Gender equality
The gender equality commissioners of the Faculty of Architecture for the period 2021-2023 are Ms. Peggy Freudenberg and Ms. Anita Morandell Meissner. The tasks are defined by low § 55 des Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetzes.
!! Complaint Office in cases of discrimination harassment, violence !!
At TU Dresden, we foster respectful and appreciative interaction with one another in a variety of ways on a daily basis. Consequently, TU Dresden condemns any form of (sexualized) harassment, discrimination and violence. For this reason, the complaints office was founded.
Contact person: Anja Wiede,
Women@DDc Workshop: My visibility as a scientific expert on LinkedIn & ResearchGate
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Women@DDc Network invites female doctoral candidates and postdocs to a workshop for increasing their visibility in the scientific community using the platforms LinkedIn and ResearchGate. Workshop My visibility as a scientific expert on LinkedIn & ResearchGate Tuesday, 11 February 2025 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Barkhausen-Bau BAR Room II/63a (Helmholtzstraße 18, 01069 Dresden). Language: English. Format: present. Information
Gender, AI, and Language/Communication
Am 22.10.2024 starten die Gender Lectures in die nächste Runde. Diesmal stehen Intersektionen von Gender, KI, Sprache sowie Kommunikation im Mittelpunkt.Die Vorlesungsreihe findet hybrid statt. Wir freuen uns, Sie dienstags 16:40 bis 18:10 Uhr (6. DS) online oder vor Ort in der W48/001 begrüßen zu dürfen.Die Anmeldung erfolgt auf OPAL unter folgendem Link oder per Email:
Erbrachte Leistungen in den Gender Lectures sind relevant für die Ergänzungsbereiche der neuen (EGS-SEGS/SEOS/SEGY/SEBS) und alten (EGS-SEGS/SEMS/SEGY/SEBS) Lehramtstudienordnungen, sowie für das AQua/studium generale. Genaueres finden Sie im Opalkurs unter 'Hinweise zu den PL'.
Relaxation rooms of the Faculty of Architecture - Students and staff are welcome!
Study and work are - regardless of whether one suffers from additional disabilities or illnesses - associated with stress. In order to offer students and staff a place to retreat at the Faculty of Architecture, there are two rooms available:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg (BZW) - Room A011 (ground floor)
Hülße-Bau (HÜL) - Room 214 (2th floor) und Raum 259 (2th floor)
All relaxation rooms at Technische Universität Dresden
What we are currently working on
- We supervise ongoing recruitment procedures and contribute to the implementation of transparency and equality in these procedures. Upcoming appointment procedures are: Use of Plants, Fundamentals of Design, Technical Building Equipment and Climate-friendly Building.
- The Department of Building and Environment will receive a new equality concept in which we will anchor concrete goals and approaches for improving equality and diversity in our department.
- We are the contact for individual issues of equality and diversity at the Faculty of Architecture for students and staff of the TUD.
Current funding programs
Funding programs of the Graduate Academy / TU Dresden
- Long-term Funding:
- Saxon Scholarship Program
- Funding programs specifically for postdocs
- Back-to-Research Grants for postdocs
- Short-term Funding:
- Grants for the Completion and Wrap-up Phase
- Back-to-Research Grants for PhDs
- Mobility & Networks:
- Travel Awards for Conferences, Congresses, Symposia und Workshops
- Travel Grants for Short-Term Research Stays and Summer/Winter Schools Abroad and within Germany
- Lab2Lab
- Proofreading Service (application possible at anytime)
Digital, gender-based violence – information
For theoretical insight, see Nivedita Prasad’s (2021) book „Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Zeiten der Digitalisierung - Formen und Interventionsstrategien“
Hate Aid supports those affected and witnesses by providing information, and also offering free advice and support (in reporting procedures).
Options for dealing with digital violence (in German):
- Hass im Netz ist nicht Teil des Jobs. Ein Leitfaden zum Umgang mit digitaler Gewalt
- Engagiert trotz Hass. Ein Krisenplan für alle Engagierten
- Lauter Hass – leiser Rückzug. Wie Hass im Netz den demokratischen Diskurs bedroht
The contact person at TU Dresden is the Complaints Office, Ms. Anja Wiede email:, phone: +49 351 463-33564
In Saxony you will find further support offers (in German language):
- Advice Center RAA Sachsen
- Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus vom Kulturbüro Sachsen
- Aktion Zivilcourage e.V. for different educational and support offers
- Central contact point for victims of right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism of the Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Sachsen/Saxony Public Prosecutor's Office ZORA
Central contact point for victims of right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism of the Landeskriminalamtes Sachsen/Saxony Public Prosecutor's Office ZASTEX
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation’s project faktenstark on dealing with disinformation
As well as the various offers of the Saxon State Office for Political Education Sächsischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Support from the TUD - offers for families
Study and working conditions
Family-friendly working conditions / Service agreement on mobile work and Service agreement flexible working hours
Family-friendly study conditions / Part-time and distance learning and disadvantage compensation for disabled and chronically ill students, for studying parents, for students with relatives in need of care
Counselling and service
Family service facility Campusbüro Uni mit Kind (University with child)
Care counselling at TU Dresden
Childcare places
Family-friendly infrastructure
Questions about family friendliness:
Ms. Franziska Schneider,, +49 351 463-39772
Gender Equality Commissioners
Gender equaliy commissioner, research assistant
NameDipl.-Geogr. Anita Morandell Meißner
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).