Collaborative Research Center/Transregio 280
Table of contents
Brief description
New materials make new designs and types of construction possible. What sounds so simple is often a long road in reality. In the construction industry, innovation processes take a particularly long time due to high safety and durability requirements and complex standardization and approval procedures. This also applies in particular to high-performance building material combinations such as textile and carbon concrete, which will bring about a paradigm shift or even a revolution in building with concrete, the world's most important building material in terms of quantity. Carbon concrete can significantly reduce the enormous consumption of resources andCO2 emissions of the construction industry, but also open up additional functions. However, initial construction projects have made it clear that despite the new possibilities, traditional construction principles borrowed from reinforced concrete are still being used, i.e. conventional materials are merely being substituted. Only in conjunction with intelligent construction strategies will the full potential of the innovative material carbon concrete be exploited in the future.
While previous research projects have investigated the fundamentals and applicability of the new material carbon reinforced concrete, this CRC/TRR with a total of 26 researchers is investigating new construction strategies for carbon reinforced concrete. The aim is for the new material composite carbon reinforced concrete not only to replace the previous material reinforced concrete, but also to find new ways of construction that are specially tailored to the properties of carbon reinforced concrete in order to exploit the full performance potential of carbon reinforced concrete.
The aim is to create the basis for the building of the future: completely new concepts for the design, modeling, construction, manufacture and use of sustainable, resource-efficient building elements made of mineral building materials.
Project profile
Partners | TU Dresden, RWTH Aachen University, IPF Dresden |
Spokesperson | Prof. Manfred Curbach, TU Dresden |
Funding amount | approx. 12 million euros |
Project website:

Former institute's director and professor of Concrete Structures
NameMr Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. em. Manfred Curbach
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Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
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CCC Carbon Concrete CUBE Einsteinstr. 12
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