Chamkhi, Mountasser
Diploma Thesis:
Communal heat planning: basics, application and impact on the construction industry
Mountasser Chamkhi
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Katharina Kleinschrot
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
12.08.2024 until 16.12.2024
This thesis analyses the economic and ecological effects of municipal heat planning (KWP) on the construction industry and the building sector in Germany. The study includes an explanation of the legal basis, current structures of the heating market and heating infrastructure, the analysis and evaluation of existing municipal heating plans, expert interviews and the analysis of existing studies. The results show that the CHP offers a variety of climate-friendly measures that are adapted to local and regional conditions in order to ensure a sustainable heat supply until 2040. Economically, the KWP could create new employment opportunities in the construction industry, particularly in the areas of renovation, civil engineering and the installation of renewable energies, and lead to an increase in construction services. There is also an opportunity to stimulate the property market by increasing the value of properties in the long term. A practical project in Karlsruhe shows how the KWP in combination with the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG) can lead to climate-friendly heating solutions and a reduction in CO₂ emissions.