Omlor, David
Diploma Thesis:
Aspects of sustainability in infrastructure construction - overview, correlations, evaluation
David Omlor
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Katharina Kleinschrot
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Aline Gruner
Editing Period:
12.07.2024 until 13.12.2024
This paper provides an overview of the sustainability aspects of the three dimensions - ecology, economy and socioculture - for the field of infrastructure construction. The legal framework conditions are explained and a transfer to infrastructure construction is examined on the basis of criteria from building construction. The focal points of ecological road construction are considered comprehensively and analysed with regard to their implementation and interactions. The defined protection goals of adequate environmental precautions serve as a benchmark for categorising the aspects. Among other things, the topics of recycling, water management and biodiversity are addressed. The results of this process are then used to create an evaluation system for road construction projects in terms of their sustainability. This enables categorisation into different sustainability levels and provides a basis for comparing different projects.