Jan 13, 2023
Invitation to the book presentation
Dresden/Berlin: The world's first building made of carbon concrete was officially opened in Dresden at the end of September 2022. Now the book on the construction is available, which presents the conception and planning of the CUBE up to its completion with many texts and elaborate photo series and illuminates the potential and history of building with (carbon) concrete. The publisher Manfred Curbach cordially invites interested parties to the world's first building made of carbon concrete for the book launch.
Carbon concrete is a composite material consisting of (fine) concrete and a non-metallic reinforcement placed inside it, i.e. mats and bars made of carbon fibers (carbon) and glass fibers as in the CUBE. Since carbon, unlike conventional steel, is lighter and does not rust, this construction method can significantly save cement (up to 80 percent) and thus reduce energy requirements and CO2 emissions by up to 50 percent.
The CUBE innovation house with its curved roof and wall surfaces is the result of the C³ - Carbon Concrete Composite construction research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research until the end of September 2022, in which companies, institutions and associations have collaborated on putting carbon concrete construction into practice. Manfred Curbach, Director of the Institute of Concrete Structures at the Technische Universität Dresden, Chairman of the C³ Association of the same name and builder of the CUBE says: "All in all, after almost 30 years of research on the subject of carbon concrete, something completely new has emerged. We are presenting a building material that is ecologically more sensible than reinforced concrete, which is also more durable and retains its value. Instead of massive, we've built filigree; instead of clunking, we've thought a lot about what can be done better."
The bilingual work "CUBE. New Building with Carbon Concrete. New Building with Carbon Concrete" publishes a conversation between Rudolf Spindler, editor of the book, and Manfred Curbach. It deals with architecture and urban development as well as the reputation of engineers among the general public and the enormous challenges of future building in the context of climate protection and resource efficiency. Numerous contributions by scientists at the Institute of Concrete Structures at Technische Universität Dresden and engineers involved in the construction deal with the planning of the CUBE, the spatial concept, the structural design of the components, and the application and sustainability of carbon concrete. At the end of the book you will find facts and figures as well as the names and addresses of all those involved in the construction.
The book with partly spectacular photos by Stefan Gröschel and Maximilian Meisse, among others, addresses architects, civil engineers and experts in administration and the construction industry, i.e. all those who are interested in the ecologically oriented innovation process of the construction industry and in the enlargement of the solution space for the construction tasks of the future.
Editor Manfred Curbach presents the publication together with Bernhard Elias and Rudolf Spindler from Wasmuth & Zohlen Verlag, each with experts on the spot.
Dresden | 31.01.2023 – 19 Uhr | Carbon Concrete CUBE, Einsteinstraße 12, 01069 Dresden | Registration until 26.01.23 unter:
Leipzig | 09.02.203 – 19 Uhr | Carbonbetontechnikum, Hans-Weigel-Straße 2b, 04319 Leipzig | Registration until 03.02.2023 unter:
Berlin | 21.02.203 – 18 Uhr | Vertretung des Freistaats Sachsen beim Bund, Brüderstraße 11, Haus 12, 10178 Berlin | Registration until 15.02.2023 unter:
Participation for all interested parties is free of charge. The organizers ask for prior registration to the e-mail addresses provided.
The images may be used free of charge for editorial reporting purposes provided the source © Stefan Gröschel, Institute of Concrete Structures, Technische Universität Dresden. Click here to download the press images: https://cloudstore.zih.tu-dresden.de/index.php/s/Ls4w8pSobsA3Cim
The book is available in the store of the publishing house Wasmuth & Zohlen and in every bookstore.