Sep 07, 2021
Congratulations to Mr. Egbert Müller on the successful defense of his doctoral thesis

Doctoral supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach (TU Dresden) presents the doctoral hat to Dipl.-Ing. Egbert Müller
On September 07, 2021, Dipl.-Ing. Egbert Müller successfully defended his scientific thesis within the framework of the doctoral examination procedure with the topic "Torsion tests on T-beams with new carbon reinforced concrete systems – Experimental and analytical investigations". In addition to the chairman of the doctoral committee, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ivo Herle (TU Dresden), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach (TU Dresden) and Dr.-Ing. Eric Mündecke (Ingenieurbüro Grassl GmbH) were present as a reviewer. Prof. Dr. ir. Christian Louter (TU Dresden) was present as a further member of the doctoral committee.
Another reviewer, Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Benjamin Kromoser (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna), was connected via video conference.
In this thesis, tests have been carried out to describe the torsional load-bearing behaviour of carbon concrete reinforced T-beams. First of all, the state of the art is summarised briefly. Then the test programme and the test specimens including the material characteristics are introduced. In addition to a detailed description of the torsion-deformation-relationships, the strain distributions in state I and state II as well as the crack spacing and crack angles, a possibility is shown to determine the acting torsional moment on the basis of the measured material characteristics at the time of observation at the maximum load. Therefore information can be obtained about the existing force distribution of the strut and tie.
We sincerely congratulate Mr. Egbert Müller on completing his doctoral studies and wish him all the best and much success for his future career.