Nov 15, 2022
Innovation Award 2021 of the Industrieclub Sachsen e. V. for Oliver Steinbock

(from left to right) Bianca Deutsch, Managing Director of Industrieclub Sachsen, Thomas Kralinski, State Secretary at the Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labour and Transport, Ulrich Franzen, President of Industrieclub Sachsen, Dr.-Ing. Oliver Steinbock, Prof. Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger, Rector of Technische Universität Dresden and Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach, Institute for Concrete Structures at Technische Universität Dresden
Only innovations guarantee the performance of our economy. Under this motto, the Industrieclub Sachsen has been promoting the dialogue between science and practice in a special way and beyond the boundaries of entrepreneurial thinking since 1997 with the foundation and awarding of the Innovation Prize.
On 15.11.2022, the Innovation Award 2021 was presented to Dr.-Ing. Oliver Steinbock, he is the proud 30th award winner. He received the prize of 5000 euros for his doctoral thesis at the TU Dresden, in which he researched how to rehabilitate dilapidated bridges with the help of carbon concrete.
Excerpt from Oliver Steinbock's dissertation:
In order to be able to evaluate the applicability of carbon concrete as a strengthening measure, aspects of the material properties were first compiled on the basis of ongoing research projects and, against the background of the application in bridge construction, specifically supplemented by our own series of tests. However, the focus of the work was on the investigation of the load-bearing behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. While the bond differences between the reinforcement material in the old concrete component and the subsequently applied reinforcement layer are of secondary importance in the fracture state, they have a decisive influence on the load-bearing behaviour in the service state. Based on component tests on carbon concrete reinforced steel and prestressed concrete slab strips, it was possible to derive a design approach under service load level as well as for the ultimate limit state. The widespread problem in Germany of reinforcing load-bearing structures with prestressing steel that is susceptible to stress corrosion cracking was also dealt with. On bridge girders from a bridge deconstruction the possibility arose to carry out experimental investigations and to validate the effectiveness of a carbon concrete reinforcement. The girders were first selectively damaged, then reinforced with carbon concrete and the load-bearing behaviour evaluated with regard to the criteria of crack formation under service loads (announcement behaviour) and the achievable residual safety (load-bearing safety). The results and calculation approaches were compiled in a design example for practical application. The present work has thus created the basis for
for the design of reinforcement measures with carbon concrete in bridge construction.
The Industrieclub Sachsen, based in Dresden, was founded in 1990. It promotes the diverse economic and scientific potentials in Saxony and contributes to strengthening the economic development of Central Germany. It provides a forum for arranging and maintaining international contacts.
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