SPP 1542: Concrete light
Main issue of the Priority Programme SPP 1542 (in German: Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1542) is basic component-specific research. Therefore all structural elements stated as potential useful for construction are divided in shell structures, plane and slightly curved plates, rod shaped supporting components and fractal structures. Force fields and systems are the basis for concrete structure with minimal material consumption. Evidence of effective structures we find with the help of bionics in nature.
The programme was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) DFG from summer 2011 to March 2022. On this website you will find the basic information on the SPP; for details, please refer to the final report of the SPP, the websites of the participating institutes and the information at gepris.
- Programme information
- News
- SPP projects (alphabetical)
- Coordination, PR and transfer

Research Group Leader
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Silke Scheerer
Quality Assurance and PR
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Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Visiting address:
BEY Beyer-Bau, Floor 0, Room E 35 George-Bähr-Str. 1
01069 Dresden