Sustainability in Civil Engineering

PD Endowed Chair of Resource-Efficient Building Design
NameMs Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yvonne Ciupack
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Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Visiting address:
BEY Beyer-Bau, Floor 0, Room E 32 George-Bähr-Str. 1
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institut für Massivbau
01062 Dresden
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TUD Dresden University of Technology Institut für Massivbau Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Discover the forward-looking strategies and solutions that are making civil engineering more sustainable! The lecture series "Sustainability in Civil Engineering" offers in-depth insights into the role of civil engineers in modern society and shows how innovative sustainability strategies can be researched and implemented in practice.
Find out more about the use of natural building materials and learn how global construction projects are successfully realized through sustainable approaches. Numerous practical examples and field reports by experts from Germany and abroad make this lecture series a valuable resource for anyone interested in sustainable construction and who wants to actively contribute to the ecological transformation of the construction industry.
Forms of teaching:
Lecture series
Requirements for participation:
A-level knowledge
The course was specially designed for the studium generale and is open to all disciplines and students from other universities (e.g. HTW Dresden, EHS Dresden). The course is suitable for guests and is offered at the Dresden Citizens' University and the Dresden Academy of Science and Art. The offer is limited to 40 places.
The course teaches in the spirit of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). For this reason, application is made for inclusion in the accompanying studium oecologicum certificate.
Requirements for the awarding of credit points:
It is possible to obtain a certificate for the studium generale as a graded performance record via an examination.
Credit points:
The module can earn 1 credit point.
Frequency of the module:
Module is offered every academic year in the winter semester.
The total workload is 30 hours.
Duration of the module:
1 semester