FLOODmaster Progam Structure
The described approaches and foci are displayed in the subdivision of the program structure into the modules "Class I: Physical Processes of Floods" and "Class II: Integrated Flood Risk Management". These English lecture cycles form the vital parts of the program. They start with the beginning of the summer term in April (Class I) and with the beginning of the winter term in October (Class II) and close with an exam at the end of each term. The lectures' contents are provided in the Intranet.
Class I: "Physical Processes of Floods" treats the physical processes of extreme flood events. Basics from meteorology, hydrology, economics, engineering and planning sciences are mapped out. The lecure cycle is lined up along the SPRC-model: sources of floods, pathways along the river courses to indundation, damage and their dimension (receptors). Examples of vulnerability as well as societal steering tools are displayed.
Class II: "Integrated Flood Risk Management" deals with risk analysis, risk evaluation and risk mitigation within the system of an integrated flood risk management:
- Risk Analysis: hazard determination, vulnerability determination and risk analysis
- Risk Evaluation: risk perception and risk evaluation
- Risk Mitigation: pre-flood mitigation, flood management, post-flood mitigation
Additionally, four Workshops take place in order to deapen the understanding and to study methods of integrated flood risk management on the base of both national and international case studies. The workshops' contents are organized according to flood types and go along with the current lectures. Dates and venues are announced on the internet platform. Attendance and documentation is mandatory.
Workshop I: Specific Features of Flash Floods
Workshop II: Specific Features of River Floods
Workshop III: Specific Features of Coastal Floods
Workshop IV: Actors' Workshop
At the end of the two-term module a voluntary final paper (Study Project) may be worked out in order to close the training unit with a certificate (more...).
Class I: 2 lecture units per week/ exam/ 3 credit points
Class II: 2 lecture units per week/ exam/ 3 credit points
1.5 lecture units per week/ documentation or exam/ 2 credit points
Study Tour: 2 lecture units per week/ report/ 3 credit points
Study Project: 4 lecture units per week/ final paper/ 7 credit points